Rocker Bogie Robot Kit
The 2021-2022 FTC Season Freight Frenzy had an uneven playing surface. The Barrier created a challenge to go around or go over.
There are lots of ways to approach this problem. Some teams investigated the Rocker-bogie suspension system ( There are two keys to this design. The first is that it steadies the vehicle body relative to the motion of the wheels and terrain. The second is that it allows travel over obstacles that are up to twice the diameter of the wheels.
Teams did discover that creating a Rocker-bogie suspension is more difficult than it appears. I recommend starting with the Bogie Runt Rover kit (
The kit is just the robot chassis. It can be controlled by any number of robot controllers, like an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. In 2021, in response to COVID-19, FIRST and WPI developed software libraries used with the Romi chassis and Raspberry Pi controller ( This may be a good place to start with building out a Rocker-bogie robot.
After gaining experience with the rocker-bogie suspension, he team will be better able to decide if it is the best option for their competition robot design.
The Bogie Run Rover kit can also serve as a demonstration robot to take to Outreach Events. Many people have seen this design in videos of the Mars rovers, but have not seen one up close.
Remember that there are many good solutions to any given problem, like traveling over the Barrier in Freight Frenzy. During the Engineering Design Process teams need to identify as many possible solutions as they can and then compare each of these potential solutions to find the one that is best for the team's strategy and based on the team's skills and resources.
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