Driver-centric or Field-centric
The terms "Field-centric" and "Driver-centric" are used interchangeably in FIRST robotics. I think we need to differentiate them. I also think we need to use them properly. This drive system is common in both FTC and FRC since both have teams building holonomic drive systems. In FTC, Mecanum wheels are popular since defensive play is limited by the rules. In FRC, there are some teams with Mecanum wheels, but there are more teams building Swerve drive systems. Both terms are used to refer to a control system where when the Driver moves the control input to the right, the robot moves to the right from the Driver's point of view. Since the Driver is in a fixed position on the field, the robot moves to the right side of the field. This control system is in contrast with a Robot-centric control system, which is where most teams start because it is easiest to understand. When you move the joystick forward, the robot goes forward, no matter which direction it is facin...